Reading Notes-Mahabharata Part A

 This weeks story on the Mahabharata was very interesting and unique. I enjoyed reading from the author Kincaid and found him to be different from some of the other authors I have encountered in this course. My favorite story in this section of reading was The Adventures of Prince Arjuna. Prince Arjuna is boy who embodies all the characteristics of what you would imagine a young prideful prince to have. The following sentence structure is one that I think would be good to come back to and use as it is different than my usual writing. "But Prince Arjuna, in the pride of his youth and courage, laughed at their warning, and, stripping off his garments, he plunged into the cool waters of the river." This sentence makes good use of commas, which is something that I am not always great at, and it also does a good job of painting a picture in the readers mind. Kincaid continued on using great imagery in the way that he depicts Prince Arjuna's dreams and visions. I think in adding into a story one of the characters dreaming or having a vision is a good way to change things up. I like the idea of dreams or visions because they can be used as a way to introduce a new theme or character that is only found here in the alternate reality. Another way to use these add ins would be to have the dream or vision be used as a foretelling of what is going to happen and maybe only give little details of how it is to actual happen and keep the reader guessing.

Prince Arjuna from Alamy


Title: The Indian Heroes: Mahabharata - The Princes of Elephant City

Author: C. A. Kincaid


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