Introduction to Me:)


 This is me....

(Image Information: personal photo of me;
photo from August 2020.)

My name is Carlee and I am in my Senior year!! (Super exciting, scary and sad all at the same time) The past three years have flown by and I have no doubt that this one will be the same. Hopefully, it doesn't go too fast, as I am still in the process of figuring out what my life will look like after graduating. I had always been the student in college that took as many classes as possible to try and graduate early until I realized that there was no fun in that. Now I am trying to enjoy my last year, take it as it comes and live in the moment. 

Unrelated to school, I enjoy doing a lot of different random things. Thanks to quarantine, I have gone from a place where I could be featured on America's Worst Chefs to an advanced novice (those two words don't really belong together but you get the point) in all things sushi and tacos. I also have a great appreciation for reading and even get made fun of on the regular by my friends for joining a Book of the Month subscription that sends me a new book each month. Some other things I love to do are taking long walks to clear my head and the occasional run here and there (use to be an avid runner and triathlete but college kind of got the best of me...may have to take that back up post college). 

However, more than anything else, I am a big family girl. I am fortunate to have grown up very close to OU and have the ability to go home often to get a home cooked meal or just hangout with my people. My little sister is my absolute best friend and I'm not sure I could have moved super far from home because of that. 

Lastly, I am a big people person and love to make friends. So if you share something in common with me or even just want to be friends make sure and comment below:)


  1. Hey Carly! I am also a senior so I definitely relate to you on feeling excited and sad the same time. When I first started college, I wanted to graduate as early as possible just like you. And now, I feel like most seniors are trying to enjoy every last bit of the final semester. A book of the Month subscription sounds so interesting. Do you have to select a certain type of book, whether its fiction, romance or such? or do they send you random ones.

  2. Hi Carly! Like Amy above, I am also a senior, and I am definitely feeling the "excited to finally be done with school but sad to not be in this world with my friends for much longer" mood. I'm just trying to take it one day at a time and make as many great memories as possible. I also love to read! My favorites are fantasy books, though I can read pretty much anything fiction, and some things nonfiction. What book of the month club are you subscribed to? I know there is one called "Book of the Month" but there are so many others that include different merch and things for different books. I plan to try some of those once I have an actual job and can afford to spend on things like that. I hope you enjoy your final semester!

  3. Hi Carlee!

    What a crazy way for us all to go through our senior year - not what we were expecting for sure. I thought it was funny that you mentioned going from a terrible to a kind of okay chef during quarantine because I feel like I did the same thing! A few years ago I first learned how to fry an egg, and recently I made ravioli from scratch!

  4. That photo is so fun, Carlee... and everybody needs all the fun they can get in this impossible time. You are all going to have stories to tell your kids and nieces and nephews, and grandkids and grandnieces and grandnephews about what it was like being a student in pandemic times. And yay for book of the month! I am so glad to have a job where I get to read books as part of my job -- for each of those "Tiny Tales" books that I write, I get to read lots of books to find the story materials I want to use, just like you all are doing with your projects. Over the past year, I've had to buy a couple of new bookshelves to hold all the books I want to convert into tiny tales... I buy so many (too many!) used books online: it's my favorite kind of recycling, giving new homes to library discards and other people's used books. And of course now I am very curious to see what kind of stories will grab your attention this semester in the world of Indian storytelling! :-)

  5. Hey Carlee!

    Like Amy and Tyler above, I am also a senior. It is so crazy how we are about to graduate soon and in the midst of a pandemic none the less. I love cooking as well. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am pretty good at following recipes. I am also an avid book reader, but during the pandemic I was not given the chance to read because I have been helping my brother and sister with their virtual learning. I am very close with my family as well. I have an older sister (25), a younger sister (13), and a younger brother (8). I live with my older sister, but my parents and younger siblings live about two and half hours away. It is hard with them being away. I wish I could go home every other weekend but honestly the drive is killer.

  6. Hi Carlee!

    I did not think I would relate to a post as much as I did yours. Like everyone who has commented before me, I am also a senior, and I completely understand the whole 'not knowing what to do after college'. I have ideas, but it is a scary thing to not know for sure. But if the pandemic has taught me anything, it is that nothing is certain, so I am trying to live in the present instead of stress about the future (easier said than done though). I wish I got into cooking or baking during quarantine! I have to say though, I am thoroughly impressed that you did not go down the whole banana bread route. I have always wanted to make sushi from scratch, so props to you! You'll go from advanced novice to just advanced in no time, I'm sure of it. Your blog post was so engaging. I felt like I was talking to (well, reading about) a friend. I hope you enjoy your final semester here! I know it is a limiting, but the make the most of the you have left :)

  7. Hey Carlee,
    I am almost done with my junior year and I completely get your uncertainty about "what to do after college". It definitely can get scary. I'm glad you are taking things slow and easy! Also, I too learned to cook a little in these months. I won't call myself a chef but at least I can feed myself haha. Also, this looks like such a fun picture! I love your shoes!

  8. Hi Carlee!

    I am also a senior that is graduating after 3 years. I definitely get that zooming through college is sad, but I am really excited to go on. My husband and I are moving to Wisconsin this summer and I am very excited for that. I have actually been looking into getting a Book of the Month subscription, so it is exciting to hear good feedback on that! I also used to run, but with going through college, I don't have near as much time to do so. I hope you enjoy your last year!

  9. Hi Carlee. I also spent a lot of time learning to cook over quarantine. And I did not know how to cook very well when I started either. I only knew a few basic dishes, but luckily my sister knows how to cook really well, so she taught me quite a bit. I also enjoy going for the occasional run as I find it is a good way to relax and stay healthy.

  10. Hi Carlee! That is so good that you get to go home and still spend that time with you family. I know that college can sometimes get the best of us and having that support close by can be super helpful. I admire that you like to run, truly do not know how you do it. I wish I could enjoy it like that, but my endurance is not at its finest lol. I hope you enjoy this class and have a safe and wonderful semester!

  11. Hello!
    We have so much in common! I am also a big family person. I actually chose to live with my parents and comment to OU. Seeing their faces at the end of a long day and especially my two little baby nieces makes it all worth it. I also spent a lot of time trying out new dishes during quarantine and it helps me destress especially when I sit together for a family meal. I am a senior as well and graduating soon! I wish you the best of luck in the future!

  12. Hi Carlee!
    Okay I remember the picture from last semester but I have no idea if I commented or just saw it as I came across a story on your blog! Either way, still love the picture! From that intro post to this one I had a tiny, tiny spark of hope that we would be in full blown 'Rona still we are. It's like the weird smell in the fridge you just can't get rid of. Dang it 'Rona. I live with my family in a our lovely multigen household and I could not imagine doing this whole crazy school/pandemic ride anywhere else. It's been a trip! Enjoy your last semester!

  13. Hey Carlee! I definitely relate to being a bit inexperienced with cooking, but quarantine has definitely helped. With so much time, I’ve been trying to figure out how to make the best pasta, and I’ll be sure to try making good tacos and sushi. I’m also the same way with my family. I live close to my family, and a home cooked meal holds a special place in my heart as well.

  14. Hey Carlee!
    I love your first day of school photo, and I'm sorry that your senior year is during this time! I was a senior in high school last year so I know how that feels! I also like spending my quarantine time cooking, I have always wanted to learn how to make sushi I have just never gotten around to it (It looks a little bit hard lol). I hope you enjoy this last semester and make it your best one yet! Congratulations on graduating!

  15. Very nice to meet you, Carlee! Congrats on making it to senior year! I'm graduating this spring, so I can empathize with some of what you may be feeling. I feel like one good thing to come out of this pandemic was being able to pick up a few different hobbies. I was always in the kitchen when i was growing up, watching either my mom or my grandpa. I always think it could be so much more fun to make something rather than buy it from the store. I look forward to the rest of the class with you!

  16. Hi Carlee,

    I am also a senior this year. It is very exciting, but also very nerve racking at the same time because we are months away from moving out into the real world. I wouldn't say i'm the biggest reader, but I do occasionally pick up a book if i'm in the mood for reading. I think the Book of the month subscription you have is actually really cool, and am sure you really enjoy that.


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