Week 4 Story: Jumping the River

One day the Tasmanian Devil took all of the crew down to the river to taunt them. He was especially after Bugs Bunny as usual.

"Which one of you can jump across this river to the other side on the first try?" the Tasmanian Devil sneered. "I bet you cannot do it Bugs Bunny, you will surely fall straight in."

Daffy Duck was the first to chime in, "I can surely do it if Bugs will not."

The Road Runner also declared, "I can most definitely do it."

Bugs Bunny was still quiet because he was nervous that the Tasmanian Devil might be right and he did not want to be embarrass himself.

Tweety saw that Bugs Bunny was in distress and quickly came to his side to encourage him. "You are the springiest bunny in the whole wide world Bugs Bunny. If anyone can jump across this river it is certainly you! You have to do it so you can prove the Tasmanian Devil wrong or he will just continue to torment you."

With all this encouragement, Bugs Bunny began to believe in himself and knew that he could do it. He started to stretch and warm up, all the while the Tasmanian Devil continued to torment him. 

"Leave him alone Taz!" cried Tweety. "He will do it and you will see that you are wrong."

Bugs Bunny was finally fed up with the remarks the Tasmanian Devil was making and with all Tweety's kind words was ready to take the leap. 

Bugs Bunny took a few paces back like he was setting up to kick a field goal. And then off he went! He leaped so high in the air that the whole crowd that had gathered around suddenly gasped. As Bugs was soaring through the air he almost looked more bird like that bunny.

Finally, after what had seemed like forever, Bugs Bunny landed on the other side. Immediately Tweety flew over and landed on Taz's shoulder to make sure and rub it in that he was wrong. The Tasmanian Devil was so upset that he stormed away to go back home and sulk all by himself.

The Tasmanian Devil from Pixy

Author's Note: For this story I meshed together 3 of the tiny tales from Ramayana. I kept a similar story line but replaced the original characters for Looney Tunes characters. I chose to use the Tasmanian Devil as the antagonist because he is not always very nice and made Tweety the good guy who helped to encourage Bugs Bunny.


  1. Hey Carlee! I also chose to read Tiny Tales from the Ramayana. I must say, it is so funny and creative that you elected to use Looney Tune characters to make the story more your own. I also really like how you took into account the behavior of the specific Looney Tune characters when choosing who would be who. Very creative and well thought out! Considering Daffy Duck could fly and swim, I wonder why he wouldn't do that right of the bat similar to how Tweety did. With that said, that wouldn't align with the original story as much as your's did! Of course this would take place after your story concluded, but what if the Tasmanian Devil didn't sulk but rather got enraged. In his rage he could swim to the other side. I would love to see where your creative story telling would go from there! Loved the story, Carlee!

  2. Hi Carlee. I really liked your story. I am a big fan of bugs bunny, so I thought it was really cool that you included them in the story. It was kind of fun, because I was able to read what the characters were saying in their voice. It really helped to add character to your story. I also liked how you combined three stories from the tiny tales from Ramayana, so that you could have more flexibility with what you were writing about. I do wonder though why the crew decided to go down the river with the Tasmanian Devil. Did the Tasmanian Devil promise the crew a prize if they came with them? Or maybe he tricked them in some way. From what you made it sound like the Tasmanian Devil is not always very nice, so the crew might be suspicious when he tries to get them all into one place. Just a thought though. Great story though.

  3. Hello Carlee!

    Wow, first and foremost this was a very interesting topic to choose to write on and for me to read as a reader. I love the way you wrote your story. It was very engaging and also not too much writing. It kept me focused on the story without boring me. I liked how you combined three stories to create your own little version. it shows that you really thought about this and you were very creative. Good job!

  4. Hey Carlee! I really enjoyed your re-telling of certain stories from the Ramayana. It’s always interesting to connect together multiple stories, as the new story will feel completely new while also paralleling specific details from the original text. I like how you used Looney Tunes characters as well; it was a really creative choice, and the feats told in the Ramayana, especially the leap, feels very plausible in the Looney Tunes universe.


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