Time Strategies


 Time Is Precious

Time management is definitely something that I am constantly working at and trying to do better with. Learning how to manage our time is an invaluable attribute to our academic and professional futures. Without developing time management and organization skills we will continually set ourselves up for failure. I often have the habit of trying to add something into every minute of my day and then placing procrastination on top of that and I am in trouble. 
Reading The Important Habit of Just Starting by Jory Mackay was motivating to me and gave me some encouragement to stop sitting around waiting till the last minute to do work. Learning to just start can be an invaluable habit for me in both work and school. 
I also learned a few tips to help combat against this by reading Caroline Webb's How to Beat Procrastination
One strategy I use quite often is that of writing checklists because there is something encouraging about being able to cross them off one by one until the whole list is done. It is very rewarding and helps to motivate me to get to work.
Assorted Colorful Clocks (from Wallpaper Flare)


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