Storybook Favorites

Hanuman and the Naked Philosophers I really enjoyed this story book for many reasons. One of the best parts of this story book too me is the way in which each story came with multiple different pictures. I also enjoyed that the stories contained within this project all carried on with the same sort of themes and used different animals throughout. This particular story book was also engaging to me because of the way it was written in first person from the point of view of a kid on a trip with friends and therefore was somewhat relatable to me and something that I would do with my friends. ( Two Elephants ) Ravana Stories This story book did a good job of adding videos into the project. I had never thought of adding anything to my stories but basic pictures, but the videos made the story book very interactive and engaging. I think a video would be a great way to engage audiences and make them interested in what you have to tell them. The author of this story also made slight change...